Saturday, March 18, 2017

Charity Vs.Generosity

In my TEDx Talk entitled, 6 Ways Actors and Artists Can Empower Themselves (available soon) I talked about the importance of service to others. Helping people help themselves gives integrity to your ambition and is a crash course on understanding the "Bigger Picture 101." But it's also important to appreciate that though a sense of charity and generosity are enormously important attributes there are differences.

Charity usually refers to the voluntary giving of aid, or money. It can be a real game-changer for a family, or person in need. There are a lot of terrific organizations you can donate to depending on where your passion lies. Making a monetary contribution is a very kind gesture with the potential to make a big impact.

Generosity is something else. It means you are giving yourself over to a person or cause greater than you can fully appreciate through your time, your energy, and spirit. This is quite possibly the greatest gift you can give anyone; the act of sharing the human condition without judgement, but with the broader objective of reminding someone they aren't alone.

And though you may not fully comprehend their suffering, you have enough compassion to try and mitigate it.

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