Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Art of Auditioning

"A relaxed attitude lengthens life.” Auditioning is kind of like courting a partner. Desperation can be sensed from a mile away and it isn’t attractive. Here's a few quick tips on auditioning I picked up in all my years as an actor and as a Broadway casting reader.

Come Prepared. You may not have time to get off-book, but the closer you can be the more flexibility you'll have in your performance. Casting directors see dozens and dozens of actors for the same role. They're looking for someone who will bring their own unique interpretation to the work.
Show Up on Time. This might seem like a no brainer, but showing up on time has many benefits: it shows you're serious about the opportunity, your craft, and that if hired you can be relied upon. Showing up early also allows you to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually collect yourself before giving your audition. 
Be Polite. Be grateful. Casting directors are people just like you and me. They want to be treated with respect and know the person they're hiring is not only talented but has integrity. I've seen many talented people overlooked for perhaps less skilled actors because they weren't gracious and committed to making the most of the opportunity. 

Claim Your Space. Come from a place of confidence and power. You’ve earned the right to be there and they’re just as lucky to have YOU. For those few minutes it’s YOUR stage.
Let it go. You’ll save yourself a lot of stress by not dissecting what you could have done differently. It’s done and if you’ve put your best effort forward you’ll have absolutely nothing to regret. Forget about it because the casting director already has. Just give your best audition then go about your day knowing if this doesn’t work out, that’s okay because plenty of other people would love to work with you. Want but don’t need. This comes from living a well-rounded life full of other interests, rich relationships, and an empowering sense of self.
And remember, if you do excellent work and show up with a great attitude you'll likely end up on the "mental rolodex" of a casting director. You may not be right for this particular role but may get a call out of the blue a week, month, or years down the road for the perfect part. I've seen it happen many times.

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