Thursday, March 16, 2017

Comparison is a No-Win Game

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Comparison is the thief of all joy." Mind you, this was before people started posting their vacations, outings, and meals on Facebook and Instagram.

We live in a time where access into each other's lives is unprecedented. Countless platforms allow us to Like, or Follow if we feel so inclined. But it's also generated a sense of frenzy that we're missing out, or that someone else's life is more fulfilling.

As I get older, one thing I've become much more cognizant of is marketing. How a certain type of lifestyle is being sold to us. "Buy this and you'll live a certain way."

What I think we have to be conscious of is the posts you see on a daily basis are literally a snapshot of an someone's life. Like you, their lives are filled with ups, downs, and in-betweens. 

Investing our emotions into someone else's experience can cause us to take inventory of our own lives, which is not a bad thing necessarily, but can be detrimental if fueled by envy.

When we cease comparing ourselves to others we allow our sense of self-worth to be generated on our own terms. As a result, we refuse to let someone else's validation of us to equate to self-acceptance.

By living life on our own accord we build that trust within ourself. And with trust comes confidence that our lives our meant to be lived out uniquely without worrying so much about what others are doing. 

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