Sunday, June 4, 2017

You Can Want Something Without Needing It

Think of the first time you tried asking out that guy or girl you really liked. You may have found yourself stumbling over words, trying too hard to be funny, and more or less making an ass of yourself. Hey, it happens. 

Courting a partner can be a lot like auditioning. A sense of "neediness" can be sensed from a mile away. 

During my time as a casting reader I could tell, which actors led meaningful lives "off-stage." It was clear they wanted the part but would be just fine if it went to someone else. They were so fulfilled personally that their happiness or sense of self-worth didn't hinge on being cast in a show. In other words, their acceptance of themselves wasn't contingent about validation from others. Now that's attractive.

I learned the importance of not driving yourself crazy after an audition, rehashing in your head what you could of, should of, or might have done differently. Instead, the seasoned pros taught me to leave it at the door and go about your day. 

You can want something without needing it.

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