Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Don't Read a Book Just One Time

I've somehow managed to exceed the amount of content you're permitted to store on an iPod at any given time. It's usually stocked with podcasts, audiobooks, and music. But because I haven't been able to add anything for a few weeks (still trying to get through a 700-page audiobook which will free up lots of space!) I've been listening to the same motivational record everyday for nearly a month.

Now, as I get ready to begin the day I find myself mouthing the words by rote. I can hear the maxims and valuable insights echoing in my head as I get into my car. What's more, I find myself implementing what's being said.

What all of this has made me realize is how little I've observed by reading a book, or listening to informative audio program just one time. The information literally has to permeate your mind and get deep into your pores until it becomes second nature. 

As I look at the dozens and dozens of books I've read in just the past few years, I'd likely have trouble coming up with 5 valuable insights I took away.

Before you close that book, or look for the newest podcast, try giving it another go, then maybe another. 

You may be surprised by how long it takes for something to stick.  

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