Saturday, June 24, 2017

Own Your Weird

Live in New York City long enough and your ability to be shocked by anything gradually dissipates. The city is packed with so many colorful and unique people. Street artists vie for your attention as you make your way to a cross town train, creative marketing techniques are used to win your business, and several avenues make you feel as though you have a front row seat to a fall fashion show.

I think one of the many reasons people love New York is it's a community where people aren't afraid to own their weird. Perhaps it's because most feel there's a prevailing sense of ambivalence of what you're doing anyway, but whatever it is, a sense of originality has been beautifully cultivated by many.

What if we dared to speak the ideas out loud we so fear others would ridicule? What would it be like if we took pride in our sensibilities and predilections? How about if we weren't ashamed of being ourselves in the most compelling ways?

My guess is you may come up against some judgment, but that it would be based on the fears of those doing the judging. Perhaps, your impulse to be uniquely you would ruffle some feathers because your living out what others so desperately want to do too.

In the long-run, other's may not "get it," and that's just fine. On the other had you may start a movement. 

The latter makes it worth the risk. 

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