Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You're More Versatile Than You Think

I once hear someone say,"Sometimes it's not about moving on, it's just taking a break from everything, and concentrating on yourself, because at the end, who's there? You." If the day finally arrives when you need a pause from your creative endeavors, fear not.

I certainly felt signs of doubt first nudge, then tug, before the echoes within were simply too loud to ignore. I still loved being an actor and writer but my soul was telling me it was time to explore what else the world might have in store for me.

"But what to do?" was the question I kept returning to over and over. Since the age of 11 there was only one thing I cared to do. I didn't know how to regroup and start the long road of finding another calling, if one even existed. Moreover, I felt like I was only qualified to do one thing - perform.

But as time went on I realized I'd been equipped not just for delivering a monologue on stage, or hitting my mark on a film set, I had been given tools to contribute to the world in much broader and creative ways than I could have ever imagined. I had my acting career to thank for my dogged determination, work ethic, persistence, and took great solace in knowing I'd take a chance and pursued my dreams; a surprisingly rare accomplishment I discovered.

I also learned to have absolutely no fear of failure. When you're told "No," in one form, or another for ten years, you develop a pretty thick skin which prepares you for more than you realize.

You too possess many talents you haven't begun to recognize. You're not defined by one thing alone.

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