Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fear Not

Within the span of about ten minutes, I spoke with two young actor friends who both reached out hoping to gain a shred of insight on the recent setbacks they'd experienced in New York and Los Angeles. There must be something about Sunday, I thought to myself. Unlike it's more festive and spirited younger brother Saturday, Sunday has always seemed to offer pause for thought, a bigger pool for deeper introspection. At least it always has for me.

On the surface, the two were wildly different in just about every way, including the places they chose to pursue their careers and hang their hats. Still, what they both shared, at least this afternoon, was a desire to talk about acting and purpose.

As I listened to Stephon, a recent MFA graduate, confess that he'd inexplicably felt no desire to perform in a Fringe show he'd auditioned for, I could feel the tension in his voice on the other end. It was a familiar tale that I'd not only heard before, but also experienced firsthand. Why did I go through all the trouble of becoming an actor if someday I'd no longer want to do this.

Aurora on the other hand was wrestling with figuring out the different nuances, valleys, and peaks Los Angeles offered that New York didn't. She eluded to being excited about the new opportunities but at times feeling rudderless and overwhelmed.

After speaking with each of them for about half an hour, I tried to convince them they were in good company. Regardless of one's endeavor, even the most productive and fulfilled people feel doubt from time to time about their careers. Just because you love something doesn't mean its meaning will not occasionally wane. "They key is to find other things that interest you, find other like-minded people, and whenever possible, volunteer. When you're serving others you don't have time to worry about your own challenges. Even better, it puts yours into context."

Each conversation ended on a high note and I was confident both would land on their feet and do remarkable things. Uncertainty is an essential component for growth. Actor or no actor.

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