Thursday, September 7, 2017

Watch How You Talk to Yourself

There's a difference between having high standards and simply berating yourself. As a young drama student I certainly towed the line. "I could have done that better, I should have worked harder, or My performance was totally unacceptable," were all too common remarks I'd make in grad school. 

Looking back, I realize how incredibly pointless it all was, and in some ways, even destructive. Over time, you start to believe the way you speak about yourself. You're essentially conditioning your belief system through the words you speak, the thoughts you think.

If the philosophy you project about yourself is not in harmony with your highest sense of self your potential gradually begins to erode. You stop trying, you buy into the negative chatter, and you invest a great deal in what others think about you.

The way to counter this is to regularly check in with yourself and ask "Why?" What is the root of my beliefs? Are there any grounds for thinking these thoughts? And finally, what can I learn from this?

In other words, be vigilant. Keep a watchful eye over how you speak to yourself and steer them accordingly. 

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