Tuesday, September 5, 2017

As Hokey as it Sounds: "Presence is the Way"

If you're anything like me when you wake up in the morning your mind is on fire. Survival instincts kick into overdrive and all of the inclinations once useful to help us avoid getting eaten now work to notify us of the other "predators" of the day -- email, social media, to-do lists.  And there's a reason for it: your cortisol levels are highest around 7 am.

I've learned we have virtually no control over how our day will go. Robert Greene, the author of The 48 Laws of Power believes we have about 5% of influence over what goes on in our lives. Whether you agree with that or not it is true no one can predict just how their day will unfold.

But, you can prime yourself in the mornings. Here are a few breathing exercises I've implemented that have had a remarkable impact on my day and ensuring that I return to the present moment no matter how many times I diverge and head down the paths of past and future. 

-- First thing in the morning sit on the floor, or you favorite chair with your back straight, eyes closed, and focus on your breath for at least 10 reps. I've found repeating the mantra, "This is the only moment that matters," has an incredible way of centering me. (I totally get this might not be everyone's thing)

-- Focus on heightened sensation. Throughout the morning rather than reacting to every thought, email, or ping trying zeroing in on what is happening to you physically. Be intentional about brushing your teeth, feeling the water on your body as you shower, the weight on your feet. It's pretty incredible how focusing exclusively on what's going on with you physically pulls you from mindless thoughts.

As a result, when you're more centered in the morning you have a greater likelihood to find ways to tap back into that presence throughout the day. The main reason being it feels so good, the second being that it's where everything stems from. You carry out tasks better, are more engaged, and realize that what feels "urgent" really isn't. You're also far likelier to be happier. 

It can feel scary to trust that presence is the way but you'll be amazed by what you discover.

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