Saturday, September 2, 2017

Support the Work of Friends

A couple of years ago I hopped in my car and drove about an hour north of my parents' house. I was going to a popular racetrack my father used to take me to as a kid. On this particular afternoon, one of my closest friends was working an event. Over the years he'd slowly risen in the ranks of this "everyday Joe," racing series where anyone from across the country can compete with a car valued at no more than $500. 

For years, he'd been inviting me to races and for one reason or another I couldn't make it. But on this day I told him I'd be there and was glad I came.

I sat in the stands listening to my friend over the loud speaker direct contestants before the start of the race. He was the "guy" everyone turned to for answers about where to go and what to do. I marveled at how far he'd come, wildly proud of his achievement. But more importantly I sensed he was grateful I'd made the trip. A little gesture had gone very far.

I realized that afternoon that we all need to feel like we matter -- it's an integral part of the human condition. And today, we associate that value with the work we do. When we support what others do for a living, in some small way we validate the time and effort they put towards their craft, and indirectly let them know what they do is important. 

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