Thursday, July 6, 2017

Just Ride it Out - It'll Pass

Ever feel like you're having one of those days, weeks, or even months where you're just coasting? Work is going well, your personal relationships are on point, and your thought process is clear and forward-thinking. It's almost as if nothing can stop you. 

Then out of nowhere, someone says something off-putting, you catch a distressing headline, or something you've wrestled with in the past comes bubbling back up to the surface. You've suddenly taken two steps back.

Though we may strive for happiness, true character is cultivated through hardships and setbacks. You wouldn't enjoy those moments of joy if you weren't equally versed in adversity and pain. 

When those moments come up we can take solace in the knowing they're an integral part of growth. Just like joy, struggle is fleeting, a fickle guests who rarely outstays her welcome. 

Moments of frustration, paralysis, and pain will pass so it's important to keep our poise knowing we'll somehow come out better off if we're willing to.

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