Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What is Charisma?

We often associate charisma as a quality only certain people have -- The type of person who "lights up a room when she walks in."

But like a of words in our modern day vernacular, charisma is grossly misunderstood. It's less of an attribute than it is a way of living. 

People with charisma make a concerted effort to put other people first. They make it all about the person they're speaking with and make a genuine effort to get to know the person.

As a result your attention is fully placed on who they are and where they're at in life. The only reason charisma feels like such an elusive quality is because those actions are so rarely taken. 

Charisma isn't a quality. It's a type of focus.

Master that and you'll have all the charisma you need. 

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