Thursday, November 9, 2017

Whatever it is, You'll Get Through it

Wherever you're at, whatever you're going through, trust that you will get through it. We have a higher capacity for pain that we realize. And when we come out on the other end we not only have an opportunity to gain perspective but also growth. Becoming better at anything, namely life, is unsettling. That's why so few pursue it.

I've discovered it's less important to dissect the root of the pain but what can come of it. Rather than seeking answers we can sit with the questions, especially if they're good ones. As Sir Francis Bacon once noted, "A prudent question is one-half of wisdom.

Write, walk, sit, do what you need to but never relinquish hope. Cling to it fiercely and trust that though its embers may at times appear to be subdued it never ceases to shimmer.

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