Friday, April 7, 2017

Don't Take Advice So Literally

This morning as I was driving, an excerpt of the very large audiobook I've been listening to literally stopped me in my tracks. The book is about investing and developing a better financial IQ.

"You need to rebalance your portfolio on a regular basis," I heard the voice say. "This requires discipline."

It then dawned on me that though this was very helpful advice when it came to keeping your finances in order, it was also equally valuable insight to nearly every facet of life. Take regular inventory of what you're doing to see if it's actually working, I thought.

How many times have we taken a bit of advice from a book written by someone who claims to be an expert in a field and only applied it to that discipline? Why not cross-pollinate those big bold ideas?

Why can't the lessons from a book about finance be relevant to what you put into your body? What can science teach us about leadership? And on and on.

My take, don't take advice so literally. You might find the lessons gained from one area of expertise apply to others as well.

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