Thursday, April 27, 2017

At a Crossroads

Last week alone I spoke with three actor friends who felt equally lost in their pursuits. "I don't jump out of bed anymore," one told me. "I'm at a crossroads," another said. 

I listened not quite knowing what to say. Instead, I shared how I'd dealt with the very same challenges when I wrestled with my own doubts of whether to continue acting.

The truth is, what you want at 25 will be different than what you want at 45. It doesn't mean you've quit a dream but that you've evolved as a person, and what you value most in life has changed. It's something we shouldn't feel bad about but should recognize as progress in our personal evolution.

If something is no longer giving you joy it's important to take some personal inventory and ask yourself why. What I've learned this year is we already know all the things we have to do. When we phone a close friend, or seek advice we're merely hoping they echo what we already know to be true within.

World traveler and best-selling author, Chris Guillebeau asks himself these two questions to determine when it's time to try something new:

1. Is it working?
2. Is it making me happy?

If the answer to both is no it may be time to chart a new path but it's something you need to decide. 

The moment I started to get really honest with myself and explore other meaningful relationships and experiences, opportunities I couldn't have predicted started coming my way. What's more, I became a better and happier artist.

And remember, even if you do decide to take a little break from your first love, you can always come back. A little distance may offer some much needed perspective. 

Having doubts is an integral and even exciting part of life. Just remember to frame it as an opportunity. 

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