Thursday, September 8, 2016

Seek Community

Invariably, I'd feel the tension in a busy casting office when drifting into a room filled with actors auditioning for the same role. I'd take my seat next to someone who might even resemble me, headphones blasting, while skimming his sides.

Like many actors, my defenses went up when I spotted my competition. The sight of other actors was a threat. This is MY part, I'd convince myself. Who do they think they are?

But in time, I realized these were people with lofty dreams just like me. They'd worked hard, made enormous sacrifices, and were equally deserving of success. When I finally made this realization, the people in the room had names, families, hobbies, goals, fears, and worries just like me. I began to appreciate that my success did not need to come at the expense of their failure.

It became much more interesting to seek community rather than competition. I was still committed to doing my absolute best and doing everything in my power to book the role, but I no longer eyed my competition as prey. They were now comrades.

This transition lightened up the mood, refocused my approach to the work, and I believe made performing much more enjoyable.

I'm glad I made the shift.

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