Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fail Fast

At the offices of Facebook there is a sign that reads, "Fail Fast. Break Things." At first glance the philosophical parallels between the tech world and the performing arts may seem vague at best. Still, I have found some unique similarities. The lesson with the greatest personal resonance being the importance of putting original content out into the world before it's "perfect" because there is no such thing.

One of the most crucial bits of advice I would have offered to my younger self would be to just start creating. "But how?" I would have likely asked. "Just start writing, building, trying, failing, and see where it takes you." I'd reply.

Whatever your medium you have no excuses for not beginning. It's been proven you can make a feature film with a smart phone. A community of ambitious playwrights and actors eager to share their voice with the world can be coordinated through countless online resources. And opportunities to share your music can be reached with the purchase of a permit.

You have more power than ever to express your expression and actually have people take part. Don't wait another second. Start today.

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