Monday, December 25, 2017

Be Quiet

Many years ago a friend of mine casually strolled into class while blasting his earphones. He took his iPod out of his pocket and placed them in his bag before taking a spot on the floor before the start off class. 

Nobody thought anything of it.

My teacher on the other hand stood quietly in the corner taking mental note of a lesson only she could tease out of such a seemingly trivial moment.

"That's the hard part," she said. "To resist the temptation to block out the world."

That was nearly ten years ago.

The temptation to "block out the world" has only grown. Today, there are a plethora of screens we can easily bury ourselves in. We can Post, Tweet, and Pin our little hearts out without coming for air.

The value of silence is no longer honored. 

Perhaps its because silence now seems too daunting a task. 

But it need not be.

Solitude is different than isolation.

It's in those moments of silence, however brief, we discover we know more than we realize. 

And as we dig deeper into that unproclaimed wisdom we can cultivate a deeper and more nuanced curiosity about ourselves and subsequently the world. 

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