Friday, May 19, 2017

Dance Dance Dance

Ever been sitting at party while everyone else is on the dance floor cutting up a rug? A friend notices you nursing a drink and catches your eye. You immediately gaze toward the floor because you know exactly what that look means - she wants you to stop being a stick in the mud and dance.

"I'm not much of a dancer," you claim. But she insists and it is after all a celebration. You reluctantly get to your feet as she takes you by the hand. Slowly you make your way to the dance floor as the classic hip hop hits of your adolescence blare in the background. Maybe this won't be so bad, you think.

Before long you're half stepping, maybe even doing The Hustle. But you're not really moving. You straddle the fence and as a result your moves are awkward and irregular. You can't seem to find the beat.

Dancing is a perfect example of something we can't half ass. You're either in, or you're out. If you're playing the middle you look non-committal and your intentions are unclear.

Even if you're not exactly Fred Astaire, when you commit, at least you've made the choice to fully invest in what you're doing. You may miss a step or two but at least now you're in a position to learn, to grow, and adjust accordingly to what's around you.

If you're going to dance then dance.

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