Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Keep Mining Your Weird

According to Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, Mastery, and The Art of Seduction one of the single biggest killers of living a bold and unique life is we stop "mining for weird."

As cliche as it sounds, there is absolutely nobody on the planet like you. And not just in a spiritual or divine sort of way. Literally and biochemically nobody has your exact DNA coding and no one ever will. And as a result, we are all unique and "weird" in the most profound ways.

What happens as we get older though is we conform. We take the type of jobs everyone else has, do the things we're told we're supposed to do, and as a result we stop searching and cultivating those very qualities that set us apart.

Get back in touch with your inner weirdness and live as boldly as you thought possible when you were a kid.

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