Friday, January 20, 2017

Embrace the Suck

I spoke with a close friend yesterday about something entrepreneurs like to call, "Embracing the suck." It's the idea that the actual day-to-day grind of being in the trenches and committing ourselves fully to a dream often involves doing things that aren't really fun. 

Still, we do it because we have a bigger picture in mind. We're in it for the long game sort of speak.

I've discovered that people are happiest when they feel a sense of progress. And meaningful progress comes from stretching ourselves and striving toward goals that make us question whether we have what it takes. Actor Cillian Murphy once remarked that if there wasn't at least a small part of him that doubted he could play a role it wasn't worth taking.

During my days at drama school I'd often arrive at the theater at 5:30 in the morning to work on monologues, movement, or my diction. Was getting there at that insane hour enjoyable? I can't say that it was, but the result filled me with the satisfaction I'd given everything I had toward achieving a larger goal.

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