Friday, December 16, 2016

If You Can Learn One Thing It's Worth It

There were times during drama school where many of classmates and I felt as though we were being trained by the Marine Corps. "They break you down so they can build you back up."

As a young actor eager to please his instructors and make strides in developing his craft as a storyteller, I took nearly every critique of my work to heart. And because many of my instructors were well-respected mentors I looked up to and trusted, I treated their words as law.

But as I got older and developed a greater understanding of the world, myself, and myself in the world I realized the importance of sifting through feedback. I learned to hold onto ideas that worked for me, while discarding the ones that didn't. 

In the end, I decided to take criticism without getting defensive. Instead, I convinced myself feedback was worth listening to (from people whose opinion I valued) if I could gain just one new nugget of wisdom. I understood that one new valuable insight could change a great deal for the better.

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