Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Flip Conventional Wisdom on its Head

Last night, I finally wrapped up an audiobook that seemed to never end. The book was recommended by someone I admire and so I decided to give it a go. It was an insightful but also somewhat dense book geared primarily towards marketers.

Still, one of the lessons that really made me think was the importance of flipping conventional wisdom on its head. In other words, you can't fall into the same mode of thinking as everyone else trying to do what you're doing. You also can't afford to get bogged down by what the naysayers think.

Instead, consider redefining the objective and the problem you're trying to solve. What is it you hope achieve through your art? Why is it important to you and what are different ways to get your voice heard?

As actors, writers, filmmakers, dancers, painters, and artists of all mediums we must think more broadly. Creativity will infuse your work, but also the ways you figure out how to deliver your message to the world.

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