Saturday, October 1, 2016


The other night I met up with two close friends at a popular restaurant in town. We played pool, listened to great music after commandeering the jukebox, and eventually made our way for a late night snack.

As we sat waiting for our food, one of my friends began explaining how frustrated she was with the lack of support she'd been receiving from her friends and family on her career ambitions. She'd worked incredibly over the years and to anyone paying attention it looked as though she was closer than ever to finally seeing her dreams realized. We offered her support and constructive feedback when she needed it. 

But, what struck me most about listening to her was the value of releasing - letting go of your grievances, setbacks, and hangups with a supportive group of like-minded people who have your back.

Find those who will listen, not impart their own way of thinking, offer a word, but most importantly an ear to what you have to say. It'll go a long way.

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